Title: Identification of influential social networkers
Authors: Magdalini Eirinaki; Sumit Pal Singh Monga; Shreedhar Sundaram
Addresses: Computer Engineering Department, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, 95192 0180, USA. ' Computer Engineering Department, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, 95192 0180, USA. ' Computer Engineering Department, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, 95192 0180, USA
Abstract: Online social networking is deeply interleaved in today's lifestyle. People come together and build communities to share thoughts, offer suggestions, exchange information, ideas, and opinions. Moreover, social networks often serve as platforms for information dissemination and product placement or promotion through viral marketing. The success rate in this type of marketing could be increased by targeting specific individuals, called 'influential users', having the largest possible reach within an online community. In this paper, we present a method aiming at identifying the influential users within an online social networking application. We introduce ProfileRank, a metric that uses popularity and activity characteristics of each user to rank them in terms of their influence. We then assess this algorithm's added value in identifying influential users compared to other commonly used social network analysis metrics, such as the betweenness centrality and the well-known PageRank, by performing an experimental evaluation on a synthetic and a real-life dataset. We also integrate all three metrics in a unified metric and measure its performance.
Keywords: social networks; influential users; profile ranking; link analysis; viral marketing; popularity; activity; web based communities; online communities; virtual communities.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWBC.2012.046256
International Journal of Web Based Communities, 2012 Vol.8 No.2, pp.136 - 158
Published online: 20 Aug 2014 *
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