Title: Who may be loyal? Personality, flow experience and customer e-loyalty
Authors: Ching-I. Teng; Li-Shia Huang; Shih-Ping Jeng; Yu-Jen Chou; Ho-Hsin Hu
Addresses: Chang Gung University, 259, Wenhua 1st Rd, Gueishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan. ' Fu-Jen Catholic University, 510, Zhongzheng Rd, Xinzhuang, New Taipei City, Taiwan. ' National Taiwan Ocean University, 2, Pei-Ning Rd, Keelung, Taiwan. ' Ming Chuan University, 250, Zhong Shan N. Rd, Sec. 5, Taipei, Taiwan. ' Chang Gung University, 259, Wenhua 1st Rd, Gueishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Abstract: Marketers heavily prioritise customer loyalty. Previous works have identified the 'flow' experience (optimal experience with total concentration and intrinsic enjoyment) as a predictor of online customer e-loyalty. However, applications of the concept to managing customer e-loyalty are limited. Personality traits influence individual psychology and can thus reveal which individuals are likely to experience flow. This study thus examines how customer openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, skill, flow and online customer e-loyalty are related. This study surveyed 1,852 online game customers. The analytical results of a follow-up survey of 593 customers confirmed the findings of the initial survey that openness and conscientiousness positively influence customer skills and thus increase the likelihood of online game customers experiencing flow, which then enhances customer e-loyalty. The influence of extraversion was observed in the follow-up survey but not in the initial survey.
Keywords: internet marketing; online games; personality traits; flow experience; customer e-loyalty; openness; conscientiousness; extraversion; customer loyalty; online consumers; customer skills.
DOI: 10.1504/IJECRM.2012.046468
International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 2012 Vol.6 No.1, pp.20 - 47
Published online: 16 Aug 2014 *
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