Title: A new method for accommodating loop flows during transmission loss allocation
Authors: Sobhy M. Abdelkader; Jason M. Kennedy; D. John Morrow
Addresses: Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt; School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen's University Belfast, Asbhy Building, Stranmillis Road, Belfast BT9 5AH, UK. ' System Operator for Northern Ireland (SONI), Castlereagh House, Belfast BT6 9RT, UK. ' School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen's University Belfast, Asbhy Building, Stranmillis Road, Belfast BT9 5AH, UK
Abstract: This paper presents a new method for accommodating loop flow in the process of transmission loss allocation including a generalised model for the transmission line. The developed line model is similar to the generalised circuit model based on the famous ABCD parameters. The proposed model enables unbundling the active power loss allocated to a node into two components; the first is the loss due to active power flow and the second is the loss due to reactive power flow. The same is done for the reactive power loss. Such separation of loss components makes loss allocation more transparent and explainable. In the presence of a loop flow, the power flow tracing algorithm gets faced with some nodes remaining in the system where no one of it is a pure sink node and hence gets stuck. The paper describes a method for loss allocation in the presence of loop flows based on signal flow graph manipulation techniques.
Keywords: power flow tracing; transmission loss allocation; open access transmission; deregulation; loop flows.
DOI: 10.1504/IJETP.2012.046569
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, 2012 Vol.8 No.2, pp.128 - 158
Received: 26 Nov 2010
Accepted: 02 Feb 2012
Published online: 27 Aug 2014 *