Title: A parcel based modelling concept for studying subsea gas release and the effect of gas dissolution
Authors: Paal Skjetne; Jan Erik Olsen
Addresses: Department of Process Technology, SINTEF Materials & Chemistry, Postboks 4760 Sluppen, 7465 Trondheim, Norway ' Department of Process Technology, SINTEF Materials & Chemistry, Postboks 4760 Sluppen, 7465 Trondheim, Norway
Abstract: A modelling concept for analysing the fate of a subsea gas release is presented. The concept is based on a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian method. The gas bubbles are modelled and tracked as parcels in a Lagrangian Discrete Phase Model (DPM). The continuous water and atmospheric gas are covered by an Eulerian VOF model. The model accounts for compressible gas effects, bubble size, gas dissolution and is fully transient. It compares well with experiments from a release depth of 7 m. The concept is applied to a set of release scenarios and the results are presented.
Keywords: CFD; computational fluid dynamics; subsea gas release; bubble plume; oil and gas industry; Eulerian-Lagrangian method; parcel based modelling; gas dissolution; gas bubbles; Lagrangian discrete phase model; DPM; Eulerian VOF model.
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal, 2012 Vol.12 No.2/3, pp.187 - 195
Published online: 25 Nov 2014 *
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