Title: Identifying factors affecting firm performance: the role of exporting activity on Greek industry
Authors: Ilias A. Makris; Vasilis N. Nikolaidis; Stavros Stavroyiannis
Addresses: Department of Finance and Auditing, School of Management and Economics, Technological Education Institute of Kalamata, Antikalamos 241 00, Kalamata, Greece. ' Department of Finance and Auditing, School of Management and Economics, Technological Education Institute of Kalamata, Antikalamos 241 00, Kalamata, Greece. ' Department of Finance and Auditing, School of Management and Economics, Technological Education Institute of Kalamata, Antikalamos 241 00, Kalamata, Greece
Abstract: The aim of the present paper is to locate and analyse the factors affecting firms' economic behaviour in food products' sector, by collecting data from a large number of firms and indicators. A special focus concerning exporting activity took place, trying to disclose the factors that spur exports, as they are considered to be a synonym of economic growth and prosperity. Several methodological issues of exports' valuation were apposed and some strong conclusions were underlined as regard to the necessary infrastructure that a firm should develop, in order to grow, and to establish a dynamic exporting profile.
Keywords: exporting activity; firm performance; food and beverage; regression analysis; Greece; exports; food products; economic growth; prosperity; infrastructure.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2012 Vol.9 No.1, pp.59 - 69
Published online: 20 Aug 2014 *
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