Title: Fostering creativity through assessment and the use of IT: a feasibility study carried out in higher education
Authors: Antonella Poce
Addresses: Department for Educational Design, University Roma Tre, via della Madonna dei Monti 40 – 00184 Roma, Italy
Abstract: To contribute to social progress, within higher education, it is widely recognised that both students and teachers need to use available knowledge in order to create new knowledge. Both Checkland (1999, p.154) and Jupp et al. (2001, p.6) agree that creativity is becoming a key resource for individuals and societies. It is needed to 'make the most of new opportunities' and, being part of the knowledge society, we must be aware of the importance of enhancing creativity, especially in higher education. The European University Association (EUA) - in the report of the project, 'Creativity in higher education 2005-2007' - initiated to underline the value of creative skills at university and its influences on the welfare of society - states that we should learn to teach creativity, if we want to live in a better society. If creativity is an essential component of a successful higher education, the question is: how to foster and assess creative processes in order to exploit and promote them? The aim of the present contribution is to demonstrate that creativity skills can be enhanced and particularly through the use of ICT.
Keywords: creativity; IT assessment; higher education; information technology; innovation; teaching; learning; creative critical thinking; creative skills; creative products; measurement models; universities; ICT.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2012 Vol.8 No.1/2, pp.6 - 19
Received: 06 Apr 2011
Accepted: 27 Sep 2011
Published online: 02 Sep 2014 *