Title: Competence semantics: engineering and application
Authors: Gang Zhao
Addresses: Intelartes Sprl, BP 8, Waterloo 1410, Belgium
Abstract: Competence semantics is a descriptive and computational framework for modelling and processing competences for human resource management and development. Different from all other approaches to competence models, it seeks to represent explicitly the meanings or intensions of competence. It recognises that natural language is the essential medium of communication about competence for knowledge and information management. It thus addresses the semantics of competence on the basis of the structure of natural language. Architected in six viewpoints on two layers of representation, a knowledge base of competence semantics is built methodically from the competence specification in French national occupation and competence framework. It is used for the competence-based job match on a nontrivial collection of real life data. The trial demonstrates a unique advantage in the technical capability in interpreting and comparing competence data meaningfully, in consideration of generalisations of knowledge and specifics of data in contexts as well.
Keywords: competence semantics; computational framework; knowledge management; information management; natural language; job match; human resource management; HRM; HRD; competence engineering; competence-based applications; competence modelling.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2012 Vol.8 No.1/2, pp.112 - 133
Received: 02 May 2011
Accepted: 17 Jan 2012
Published online: 02 Sep 2014 *