Title: Efficient method of person authentication based on fusion of best bits in left and right irises

Authors: L. Latha; S. Thangasamy

Addresses: Department of CSE, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore 641049, Tamil Nadu, India ' Research & Development, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore 641049, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract: Multi-unit iris authentication system is proposed by deploying only the best bits in iris code. This reduced feature set provides better recognition rates in lesser time compared to other methods that use all the bits in iris code. To increase recognition accuracy further, our proposed method uses both irises of persons and performs score level fusion of distance values obtained from left and right irises using SVM, max, min and weighted sum methods. We have implemented this system using images from CASIA iris database. Experimental results show that fusion by SVM gives better recognition accuracy than other fusion rules.

Keywords: best bits; feature encoding; hamming distance; iris code; min rule; max rule; multi-unit iris recognition; normalisation; score level fusion; SVM; support vector machine; weighted sum rule; reduced feature sets; biometrics.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBM.2012.047640

International Journal of Biometrics, 2012 Vol.4 No.3, pp.203 - 219

Received: 11 Jun 2010
Accepted: 03 Aug 2011

Published online: 29 Nov 2014 *

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