Title: Experimental investigation of precision finishing of spur gears by pulse electrochemical honing (PECH) process
Authors: J.P. Misra; P.K. Jain; H. Singh
Addresses: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India. ' Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India. ' Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India
Abstract: This paper is an aim to present the precision finishing of spur gears by pulse electrochemical honing (PECH) process to study the effects of finishing time, electrolyte-related parameters (electrolyte temperature, electrolyte composition), pulse-on time (Ton) and pulse-off time (Toff) on measure of process performances, i.e., percentage improvement in average surface roughness value (PIRa) and maximum surface roughness value (PIRtm). A special type of cathode gear has been designed having the capability of varying the rate of electrolytic dissolution steplessly along the full profile of the work piece gear. Optimum values of process parameters such as finishing time, electrolyte composition, electrolyte temperature, pulse-on time and pulse-off time have been estimated using graphical analysis. Work samples were also analysed before and after the PECH using the optical profiler to visualise the effects of process parameters on gear tooth profile. Key features of developed PECH setup are also highlighted.
Keywords: pulse ECH; pulse electrochemical honing; PECH; spur gears; surface integrity; bearing ratio; precision finishing; surface roughness; surface quality; gear tooth profiles.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMM.2012.047830
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 2012 Vol.11 No.4, pp.405 - 417
Received: 09 Aug 2010
Accepted: 24 Jan 2011
Published online: 23 Aug 2014 *