Title: An exploratory study of mobile banking services resistance
Authors: Xin Luo; Cheon-Pyo Lee; Minna Mattila; Li Liu
Addresses: Anderson School of Management, The University of New Mexico, MSC05 3090, 1924 Las Lomas NE, MSC05 3090, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA ' School of Business, Fairmont State University, 1201 Locust Avenue, Fairmont, WV 26554, USA ' Laurea University of Applied Sciences, LbD and competence management services unit, Vanha maantie 9, FI-02650 Espoo, Finland ' Fundamental Education College, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610048, China
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate mobile banking services use in the USA, China, Korea and Finland which are using the most advanced wireless infrastructure but encountering numerous inhibitors delaying the widespread use of m-banking services. Through a qualitative approach, a case study using semi-structured interview was employed to identify the crucial factors leading the users who do not use m-banking services to reject, postpone, or oppose them. Twenty non m-banking users from each country were interviewed and the data were analysed using qualitative content analysis with the software NVivo9. This study informs m-banking decision-makers of the significant inhibitors of m-banking services use and the characteristics of those who are classified as non-users. The results indicate that well developed traditional electronic banking services are significant barriers to m-banking services use. Perceived risk and lack of knowledge about m-banking contribute to non-use or rejection of m-banking services.
Keywords: mobile banking; m-banking; innovation resistance; use inhibitors; case study; mobile communications; bank services; non-use; USA; United States; China; Korea; Finland; perceived risk; lack of knowledge.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2012 Vol.10 No.4, pp.366 - 385
Published online: 23 Jul 2012 *
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