Title: Mechanical properties in as-cast and heat treated Al-Si-Cu alloys
Authors: A.A. Canales; E. Carrera; J. Talamantes-Silva; S. Valtierra; R. Colás
Addresses: Cuprum, S.A. de C.V., Diego Díaz de Berlanga 95-A, 66480 San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L., Mexico. ' Nemak, S.A. de C.V., Libramiento Arco Vial km 3.8, 66000 García, N.L., Mexico. ' Nemak, S.A. de C.V., Libramiento Arco Vial km 3.8, 66000 García, N.L., Mexico. ' Owens Corning, Privada La Puerta 1110-A, 66350 Santa Catarina, N.L., Mexico. ' Centro de Innovación, Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería y Tecnología, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 66630 Apodaca, N.L., Mexico; Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 66451 San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L., Mexico
Abstract: The mechanical properties of a series of experimental aluminium castings alloys were studied in samples cut from ingots that solidified with a strong thermal gradient to obtain a wide range of microstructures. The samples were cast with a content of silicon that varied from 5% to 11% and iron from 0.3% to 0.8%, copper, manganese and magnesium were kept within the ranges of 3.1% to 3.5%, 0.40% to 0.45% and 0.27% and 0.32% respectively. Samples with different microstructures were machined into tensile specimens that were tested in the as-cast and stabilisation heat treatment conditions. The analyses show that the mechanical properties are affected by microstructural refining and to the amount of silicon added, although the former exerts a higher influence. It was also found that heat treating enhances the yield and tensile strength, but reduces the ductility of the material. No significant effect between the mechanical properties and the amount of iron was found.
Keywords: aluminium alloys; silicon; copper; iron; casting; heat treatment; mechanical properties; microstructure; yield; tensile strength; ductility; manganese; magnesium.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMP.2012.048518
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2012 Vol.7 No.4, pp.281 - 300
Published online: 14 Aug 2012 *
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