Title: Studies on distortions in nitrided steel cylinders using computer simulation
Authors: Kyozo Arimoto; Fumiaki Ikuta; Shigeru Yamanaka
Addresses: Arimotech Ltd., 4-3-2-701 Habucho, Kishiwada, Osaka, 596-0825, Japan. ' NETUREN Co., Ltd., 7-4-10, Tamura, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa, 254-0013, Japan. ' Maruemu Works Co., Ltd., 4-7-12, Nozaki, Daito, Osaka, 574-0015, Japan
Abstract: Gas nitriding is well established as a suitable process for realising low distortion in precision parts under optimal conditions. However, efforts for optimising the distortions by trial and error, which are not avoidable, have been repeated over many years. A software tool based on the finite element method is developed by use of the latest models of nitriding for resolving the problems, which was applied to the nitrided austenitic stainless steels specimens. In this study, distortions in nitrided steel cylinders, which were measured systematically in 1930s, were investigated using the tool for understanding their tendencies derived from different conditions. The fruits will be used for enhancing the tool by additional verifications, and applying finally to distortion problems in practical parts.
Keywords: steel cylinders; distortion; residual stress; gas nitriding; simulation; finite element method; FEM; modelling; stainless steel.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMP.2012.048525
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2012 Vol.7 No.4, pp.353 - 366
Published online: 14 Aug 2012 *
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