Title: Microscopic and macroscopic analysis for TPS SiC material under Earth and Mars re-entry conditions
Authors: J-L. Vérant; N. Perron; M. Balat-Pichelin; O. Chazot; A. Kolesnikov; V. Sakharov; O. Gerasimova; P. Omaly
Addresses: ONERA, The French Aerospace Lab, 2 Avenue E. Belin, 31055 Toulouse, France. ' CNES, 18 Avenue E. Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France. ' PROMES-CNRS, Odeillo 66120 Font-Romeu, France. ' VKI Aeronautics/Aerospace Department, Chaussée de Waterloo, 72 B –1640 Rhode Saint Genèse, Belgium. ' IPM, Prospect Vernadskogo 101/1, 119526 Moscow, Russia. ' NIIMech-MSU, Michurinsky Prospekt 1, 119899 Moscow, Russia. ' Physics Department, Ural State University, 51 Lenina St., 620083, Ekaterinburg, Russia; PROMES-CNRS, Odeillo 66120 Font-Romeu, France. ' CNES, 18 Avenue E. Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France
Abstract: This paper deals with gas/surface interaction processes occurring during the re-entry phase of a vehicle into atmosphere. In the framework of a two-year INTAS/CNES project under ONERA management (France), scientific investigations were driven by six research laboratories: PROMES-CNRS (France), VKI (Belgium), IPM (Russia), NIIMech-MSU (Russia), USU (Russia) and ONERA to enhance the knowledge of catalycity phenomena on thermal protection systems material with regard to microscopic and macroscopic point of view. The first year was devoted to air gas surface processes according to Pre-X vehicle chosen trajectory conditions whenever the second year was devoted to CO2 gas according to aerocapture Orbiter Mars PREMIER chosen conditions.
Keywords: Pre-X project; Mars atmospheric entry; Earth atmospheric re-entry; gas-surface interaction; INTAS project; spacecraft thermal protection systems; SiC catalytic recombination; silicon carbide; MSRO project; catalycity process; space vehicle re-entry; re-entry conditions.
International Journal of Aerodynamics, 2012 Vol.2 No.2/3/4, pp.152 - 192
Published online: 31 Oct 2014 *
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