Title: Optimisation analysis of power limits in flow energy systems
Authors: Stanislaw Sieniutycz
Addresses: Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, 1 Warynskiego Street, 00-645 Warsaw, Poland
Abstract: We develop a thermodynamic approach to modelling and power optimisation of energy converters, such like thermal, solar and (electro)chemical engines. Thermodynamic principles lead to efficiency and power yield. Optimisation of steady systems uses differential calculus and Lagrange multipliers, dynamic optimisation involves variational calculus and dynamic programming. A new result is the unification of modelling of thermal, chemical and electrochemical engines within the common formalism based on the total heat Q (involving partial entropies of species) rather than on the sensible heat q1. Another new result shows a link between the mathematics of thermal engines and fuel cells.
Keywords: power limits; power optimisation; entropy; thermal machines; chemical engines; fuel cells; flow energy systems; thermodynamics; modelling; energy converters.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2012.049147
International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 2012 Vol.7 No.3, pp.168 - 183
Received: 22 Dec 2009
Accepted: 15 Mar 2010
Published online: 15 Nov 2014 *