Title: Effective policy framework for the promotion of 3R technology transfer
Authors: Chettiyappan Visvanathan; Prakriti Kashyap
Addresses: Environmental Engineering and Management Program, School of Environment Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand. ' Environmental Engineering and Management Program, School of Environment Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
Abstract: Growing waste volume and diversity in Asia, opens an array of 3R business opportunities, mainly in the recycling sector. To establish waste economy, developing Asian countries require appropriate reduce, reuse, recycle (3R) technologies, thus technology transfer from developed to developing Asia. National policy governance of the host countries, play an important role for technology leapfrogging by transferring already proven technologies. Success of technology transfer depends on the facilitative or constraining roles of national policies. The analysis shows that along with opportunities, technology transfer in Asian countries is constrained with socio-economic, institutional and policy barriers. There is hence a need for policy frameworks that correct these barriers and support the transfer process and progress of the technology across borders. Regulatory measures for promotion of 3Rs, provision of economic incentives, facilitative financial mechanisms, removing trade related barriers and effective partnership with relevant stakeholders are some of the essential policy needs for successful 3R technology transfer.
Keywords: 3R; technology transfer; technology leapfrogging; policy framework; reduce; reuse; recycle; recycling; solid waste management; waste disposal.
DOI: 10.1504/IJETM.2012.049241
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 2012 Vol.15 No.3/4/5/6, pp.501 - 515
Published online: 17 Dec 2014 *
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