Title: Biomedical user adaptive system for smart environments
Authors: Ondřej Krejcar; Dalibor Janckulik; Leona Motalova; Petr Czekaj
Addresses: Faculty of Informatics and Management, Department of Information Technologies, University of Hradec Kralove, Rokytanskeho 63, Hradec Kralove 50003, Czech Republic; Technical University of Ostrava, Center for Applied Cybernetics, Ostrava, Czech Republic. ' University of Ostrava, Center for Applied Cybernetics, Ostrava, Czech Republic. ' University of Ostrava, Center for Applied Cybernetics, Ostrava, Czech Republic. ' University of Ostrava, Center for Applied Cybernetics, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Abstract: Ubiquitous computing (UbiCom) represents an umbrella for Smart Environments, Smart Devices and Smart Interactions. UbiCom also covers an area of user adaptive systems (UAS), which are growing in past time along with expansion of intelligent ubiquitous systems to every piece of embedded device around us. These systems provide many of interesting and useful services to support our day life needs in all areas include biomedical world of our bodies. Every such service needs however to provide their results by some kind of interface. Therefore the need of a simple, intuitive and graphically attractive interface is much appreciated. This paper is focused to several areas of user interface design, user interface adaptivity and visualisation. In all areas of developed system is implemented secured ways.
Keywords: user adaptivity; PDA; embedded devices; biotelemetry; WPF; dynamical programming; ubiquitous computing; user adaptive systems; embedded systems; user interface design; user interface adaptivity; visualisation; patient monitoring; biomedical information systems; biomedical data; healthcare technology; smart environments.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIIDS.2012.049312
International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2012 Vol.6 No.5, pp.466 - 478
Received: 01 Mar 2011
Accepted: 25 Nov 2011
Published online: 16 Aug 2014 *