Title: Hourly NOx concentrations and wind direction in the vicinity of a street intersection
Authors: N.A. Mazzeo; L.E. Venegas
Addresses: National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET), Department of Chemical Engineering, Avellaneda Regional Faculty, National Technological University, Avellaneda 1874, Buenos Aires, Argentina ' National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET), Department of Chemical Engineering, Avellaneda Regional Faculty, National Technological University, Avellaneda 1874, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Abstract: This study relates NOx concentrations and wind (speed and direction) measured inside an asymmetric street canyon, with ambient wind. The monitoring site is located near a street intersection. The wind measured at the domestic airport located in the city, near the coast, has been considered as ambient wind. Wind direction at the monitoring site inside the canyon is mainly from the E, NE, W and NW for any ambient direction. In general, the behaviour of horizontal airflow at the monitoring site for different ambient wind directions seems to be quite similar to those observed at other street intersections reported in the literature.
Keywords: street intersections; street canyons; air quality monitoring; air pollution; traffic pollution; Buenos Aires; Argentina; NOx concentration; wind direction; dispersion modelling; vehicle emissions; wind speed; road intersections.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2012 Vol.48 No.1/2/3/4, pp.96 - 104
Published online: 19 Nov 2014 *
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