Title: Sensitivity analysis of a concentration fluctuation model to dissipation rate estimates
Authors: Andrea Amicarelli; Pietro Salizzoni; Giovanni Leuzzi; Paolo Monti; Lionel Soulhac; François-Xavier Cierco; Francis Leboeuf
Addresses: Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics (UMR5509) (LMFA: Ecole Centrale de Lyon, CNRS, University of Lyon I, INSA Lyon), Ecully 69134, France ' Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics (UMR5509) (LMFA: Ecole Centrale de Lyon, CNRS, University of Lyon I, INSA Lyon), Ecully 69134, France ' DICEA, Sapienza University of Rome, via Eudossiana 18, 00184, Italy ' DICEA, Sapienza University of Rome, via Eudossiana 18, 00184, Italy ' Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics (UMR5509) (LMFA: Ecole Centrale de Lyon, CNRS, University of Lyon I, INSA Lyon), Ecully 69134, France ' Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics (UMR5509) (LMFA: Ecole Centrale de Lyon, CNRS, University of Lyon I, INSA Lyon), Ecully 69134, France ' Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics (UMR5509) (LMFA: Ecole Centrale de Lyon, CNRS, University of Lyon I, INSA Lyon), Ecully 69134, France
Abstract: Lagrangian dispersion models require estimates of the local dissipation rate (ε) of turbulent kinetic energy (κ). In this study, we evaluate the sensitivity of a Lagrangian model to different estimates of ε in simulating passive scalar dispersion in a turbulent boundary layer over a rough surface. Two different estimates of ε are used to simulate pollutant dispersion emitted by a linear elevated source with a Lagrangian model which integrates a macromixing and a micromixing scheme. Comparison between numerical and experimental results allows us to discuss the performance of the model and to define its sensitivity to ε.
Keywords: LAGFLUM; air pollution; atmospheric dispersion; concentration fluctuations; Lagrangian dispersion modelling; micromixing; wind tunnel experiment; dissipation rate; sensitivity analysis; air quality; turbulent kinetic energy; turbulent boundary layers; rough surfaces.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2012 Vol.48 No.1/2/3/4, pp.164 - 173
Published online: 19 Nov 2014 *
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