Title: The Austrian guideline for short scale dispersion modelling
Authors: Dietmar Oettl; Markus Kuntner
Addresses: Air Quality Department, Province of Styria, Landhausgasse 7, 8010 Graz, Austria ' ESA, Province of Tyrol, Herrengasse 1-3, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Abstract: Dispersion modelling during licensing procedures is, due to the limited time frame, a rather challenging task. Complex building structures or source configurations, which call for sophisticated dispersion models require usually long computation times. A new modelling tool for such applications has been developed in Austria, which is based on simulations for 34 pre-defined source configurations using the Lagrangian Particle Model GRAL (Graz Lagrangian Model). Annual mean, maximum daily mean, and maximum hourly concentrations can be calculated within a few seconds/minutes. The model is already approved by the Austrian ministry and is made available free of charge.
Keywords: dispersion modelling; GRAL; Graz Lagrangian Model; GRAMM; Graz Mesoscale Model; ADAS; simulation; air pollution; air quality.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2012 Vol.48 No.1/2/3/4, pp.223 - 230
Published online: 19 Nov 2014 *
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