Title: Real-time management of odour on water treatment plant using a 3D simulation tool coupled to on-site sensors
Authors: Isabelle Isaac-Ho Tin Noe; Fabien Siino; Yves Urvoy; Cyrille Haaser; Amita Tripathi; Lobnat Ait Hamou; Thibault Mailliard
Addresses: SIAAP, 2 rue Jules César, 75012 Paris, France ' SIAAP, 2 rue Jules César, 75012 Paris, France ' SETUDE Ingénieur Conseil, 16 bld du Gal Leclerc, 92110 Clichy, France ' SETUDE Ingénieur Conseil, 16 bld du Gal Leclerc, 92110 Clichy, France ' FLUIDYN France, 7 bld de la Libération, 93200 Saint-Denis, France ' FLUIDYN France, 7 bld de la Libération, 93200 Saint-Denis, France ' FLUIDYN France, 7 bld de la Libération, 93200 Saint-Denis, France
Abstract: In order to forecast and to follow the dispersion of odours around its treatment sites, SIAAP which treats wastewater for the entire region around Paris, developed and implemented an innovative tool called SYPROS. SYPROS is based on the 3D CFD dispersion tool Fluidyn-PANEIA and uses a Lagrangian puff model for real time calculations, together with a source definition module for determining the source emission rates in real time. In order to adjust the source emission the so-called remapping process has been implemented. A case study for the implementation of the comprehensive tool SYPROS on the Seine Aval site is described.
Keywords: real-time odour management; remapping; 3D CFD; computational fluid dynamics; dispersion modelling; wastewater treatment; Lagrangian puff model; source emission definition; 3D simulation; on-site sensors; smells; odour dispersion.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2012 Vol.48 No.1/2/3/4, pp.244 - 251
Published online: 19 Nov 2014 *
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