Title: Range images of time-of-flight cameras enhancement
Authors: D. Falie
Addresses: Department of Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion, National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucuresti, Romania
Abstract: Range-images of the Time-of-Flight (TOF) camera are affected by errors owing to the scattered light inside the camera body (flare light) and by the indirect (diffuse) light. The 3D images are distorted because the errors of the range-image depend on the surfaces' reflectivity. The presented algorithm, based on a modified TOF camera, computes a correction vector that corresponds to the average effect of the diffuse and flare light. The enhanced range-image is obtained by subtracting this vector from the recorded vector image. In this manner, the range-image distortions in the dark regions are reduced.
Keywords: TOF; time-of-flight; image enhancement; range errors; interpolation algorithm; 3D images; range images; flare light; diffuse light; image processing; image distortion; dark regions.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSISE.2012.049858
International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, 2012 Vol.5 No.3, pp.213 - 219
Accepted: 20 Sep 2011
Published online: 31 Dec 2014 *