Title: Monitoring and modelling of the effects of process settings and screw geometry on melt pressure generation in polymer extrusion
Authors: Chamil Abeykoon; Kang Li; Peter J. Martin; Adrian L. Kelly
Addresses: School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Queen's University Belfast, BT9 5AH Belfast, UK ' School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen's University Belfast, BT9 5AH Belfast, UK ' School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Queen's University Belfast, BT9 5AH Belfast, UK ' IRC in Polymer Science and Technology, School of Engineering, Design and Technology, University of Bradford, BD7 1DP Bradford, UK
Abstract: Melt pressure is one of the most important process parameters in polymer extrusion and is closely related to product quality. However, it is not directly controllable and may be affected in a complex manner by changing other process operating conditions such as screw speed and barrel set temperatures. The ability to predict such parameters would be a powerful tool to aid process design and optimisation. However, only a few practical process models are currently available to predict melt pressure based on process settings in polymer extrusion. This paper describes new non-linear static and linear dynamic models that have been developed to explore the effects of process settings and screw geometry on melt pressure development in single screw extrusion. The models developed predict the melt pressure with good accuracy over a wide operating window. Investigations made using these models together with a frequency analysis of the measured signals showed that the melt pressure is influenced by both process settings and screw geometry.
Keywords: polymer extrusion; process monitoring; melt pressure; process modelling; process settings; screw geometry; pressure fluctuations; fluctuation frequency; process design; optimisation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSCIP.2012.050468
International Journal of System Control and Information Processing, 2012 Vol.1 No.1, pp.71 - 88
Published online: 23 Nov 2012 *
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