Title: Understanding buyer behaviour in software services – strategies for Indian firms
Authors: G. Shainesh
Addresses: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore 560076, India
Abstract: Buying behaviour in a business market is characterised by long cycle times, group decision making, participants from different functional areas and levels and sometimes divergent objectives, and changing roles of the participants during the buying cycle. The high levels of market and technological uncertainty of software services add to the complexity in the buying process. This paper draws upon extant literature on Organisation Buying Behaviour (OBB) to help understand the factors influencing the behaviour of the buyers of software services. It also recommends strategies for managers in software firms to market their services.
Keywords: software services; organisation buying behaviour; OBB; buying centre; buying roles; buying process; marketing strategies; India.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2004 Vol.28 No.1, pp.118 - 127
Published online: 24 Aug 2004 *
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