Title: Determinants of brand equity for banking business application software products
Authors: Nidhi Varma Srivastava, Amit Mookerjee
Addresses: Management Development Institute, Gurgaon 122001, India. ' Management Development Institute, Gurgaon 122001, India
Abstract: The research on brand equity has focused primarily on consumer goods and, lately, services. However there have been few attempts to explore brand equity for high tech industrial products. The drivers of brand equity for high-tech industrial products (where technology embedded within a product has traditionally assumed a higher profile) is likely to affect the purchase at various stages in the process. This study explored the determinants of brand equity for banking business application software products using semi-structured interview format. The key determinants of brand equity were identified as perceived value and trust. The drivers of perceived value were identified as performance indicators and tangibles, and the drivers of trust as credibility of company, market acceptance of the product and reputation of alliance partners.
Keywords: brand equity; high-tech brands; trust; software branding; banking products; perceived value.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2004 Vol.28 No.1, pp.128 - 138
Published online: 24 Aug 2004 *
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