Title: An exploratory analysis of software piracy using cross-cultural data
Authors: Lee Chadwick Simmons
Addresses: College of Business and Information Systems, Chambliss House, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL 36088, USA
Abstract: This study examines three cultural predictors of attitude towards software piracy: Long Term Orientation, Power Distance and Individualism-Collectivism. About 80 University students in each of five countries (Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and USA) were surveyed on their attitude towards piracy and their level of the three constructs. The data shows that the three constructs are significant predictors of attitude towards piracy. Long Term Orientation is shown to be a strong predictor.
Keywords: software piracy; cross-cultural; long term orientation; power distance; individualism-collectivism; intellectual property theft; attitudes; shame; guilt; Australia; Hong Kong; Singapore; Taiwan; United States.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2004 Vol.28 No.1, pp.139 - 148
Published online: 24 Aug 2004 *
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