Title: BeesAnts: a new nature-inspired routing algorithm
Authors: Eslam Al Maghayreh; Sallam Abu Al-Haija; Faisal Alkhateeb; Shadi Aljawarneh; Emad Al-Shawakfa
Addresses: Computer Science Department, Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Sciences, Yarmouk University, Irbid 21163, Jordan. ' Computer Science Department, Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Sciences, Yarmouk University, Irbid 21163, Jordan. ' Computer Science Department, Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Sciences, Yarmouk University, Irbid 21163, Jordan. ' Science and IT Faculty, Isra University, Amman 11622, Jordan. ' Computer Information Systems Department, Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Sciences, Yarmouk University, Irbid 21163, Jordan
Abstract: In this paper, we have introduced a new multi-agent nature-inspired routing algorithm. The algorithm is referred to as the BeesAnts algorithm. It is a combination of the ant colony-based routing algorithm (ARA) and the BeeHive-based routing algorithm. The proposed routing algorithm works effectively on networks consisting of two parts; one is a fixed network and the other is a mobile ad hoc network (MANET). It applies the ARA routing algorithm on the mobile part and the BeeHive routing algorithm on the fixed part. The experimental results and the statistical analysis have demonstrated that the BeesAnts routing algorithm outperforms its ancestor, the ARA routing algorithm, in terms of the propagation delay, the queue delay, and the number of hops.
Keywords: mobile ad hoc networks; MANETs; routing algorithms; swarm intelligence; ant colony routing; beehive routing; multi-agent systems; MAS; agent-based systems; mobile networks; ant colony optimisation; ACO; bio-inspired computation; nature-inspired routing; propagation delay; queue delay; hop number.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCNDS.2013.050614
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 2013 Vol.10 No.1, pp.83 - 97
Received: 26 Sep 2011
Accepted: 29 May 2012
Published online: 28 Jun 2013 *