Title: Factor assignment based on linear-by-linear interaction for a three-level supersaturated design
Authors: Hironobu Kawamura; Kohei Takada; Masayuki Furukawa; Tomomichi Suzuki
Addresses: Division of Policy and Planning Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan ' Department of Industrial Administration, Tokyo University of Science, Chiba, Japan ' Department of Industrial Administration, Tokyo University of Science, Chiba, Japan ' Department of Industrial Administration, Tokyo University of Science, Chiba, Japan
Abstract: A supersaturated design can be used to screen many potentially relevant factors with a smaller number of runs; thus, the resulting matrix has more columns than rows. A three-level supersaturated design is useful when second-order effects also need to be determined. However, experimenters using three-level supersaturated design may actually miss the main effects of factors because the columns of the matrix are not all orthogonal to one another. This paper shows how to assign factors to three-level supersaturated design that considers low-order interactions. Specifically, factor assignment that avoids confounding all main effects with all l × l interactions is presented for 27 × 61 and 24 × 28 supersaturated design matrices. The usefulness of the assignment columns created using this method is shown by comparing the presented factor assignment method with the existing one in terms of level of non-orthogonality.
Keywords: supersaturated design; design of experiments; DOE; inner product; interaction columns; linear graph; three-level design; screening experiment; factor assignment; orthogonal arrays; main effect; linear-by-linear.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSOI.2012.051405
International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2012 Vol.7 No.2/3, pp.245 - 256
Received: 30 Dec 2011
Accepted: 04 Sep 2012
Published online: 27 Dec 2014 *