Title: Changes in chlorophyll, anthocyanins and phenolic compounds concentration in fresh-cut onion
Authors: Franciscleudo Bezerra Da Costa; Reginaldo Ferreira Sulino; Marcela Nobre Oliveira; Priscila Santana Da Costa; Rafaela Teixeira Rodrigues Do Vale Costa
Addresses: Academic Unit of Food Technology, AUFT, Center for Agri-food Science and Technology, CAST, Federal University of Campina Grande, FUCG, Street Jairo Feitosa Vieira, S/N – Pereiros, 58840-000, Pombal – PB, Brazil ' Academic Unit of Food Technology, AUFT, Center for Agri-food Science and Technology, CAST, Federal University of Campina Grande, FUCG, Street Jairo Feitosa Vieira, S/N – Pereiros, 58840-000, Pombal – PB, Brazil ' Academic Unit of Food Technology, AUFT, Center for Agri-food Science and Technology, CAST, Federal University of Campina Grande, FUCG, Street Jairo Feitosa Vieira, S/N – Pereiros, 58840-000, Pombal – PB, Brazil ' Academic Unit of Food Technology, AUFT, Center for Agri-food Science and Technology, CAST, Federal University of Campina Grande, FUCG, Street Jairo Feitosa Vieira, S/N – Pereiros, 58840-000, Pombal – PB, Brazil ' Academic Unit of Food Technology, AUFT, Center for Agri-food Science and Technology, CAST, Federal University of Campina Grande, FUCG, Street Jairo Feitosa Vieira, S/N – Pereiros, 58840-000, Pombal – PB, Brazil
Abstract: The minimal processing of onion is practical and convenient to consumers, eliminating the inconvenience of peeling, cutting, unwanted odour and tearing effect. The study aimed to estimate the levels of chlorophyll, anthocyanins and phenolic compounds in fresh-cut onions, triturated in the form. Onions, white and purple, obtained in Pombal-PB were conducted in the Laboratory of Food Analysis, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campus Pombal and subjected to minimal processing: selection, removal of external catophilos, sanitising and rinsing, 10 minutes, with 200 and 5 mg.L−1 free chlorine (Sumaveg®), respectively; drain up to 60 minutes, placing in pot of polystyrene (PS 6, 100 mL) with lid, and stored at 4 ± 0.5°C under 65 ± 5% RH for eight days. Overall, there was a reduction in chlorophyll content in onions during storage, especially in purple. The anthocyanin content decreased about 30% during storage in the purple onion. Levels of phenolics increased until day 2 of testing, thereby reducing days until end of analysis.
Keywords: Allium cepa; pigments; minimal processing; postharvest vegetables; conservation technology; chlorophyll; anthocyanins; phenolic compounds; fresh-cut onions; white onions; purple onions; Pombal; Brazil; onion selection; catophilos removal; sanitising; rinsing; chlorine; anthocyanin content; phenolics; postharvest technology; innovation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPTI.2013.051990
International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation, 2013 Vol.3 No.1, pp.63 - 72
Received: 15 Feb 2012
Accepted: 16 Sep 2012
Published online: 05 Jul 2014 *