Title: Strategic resource planning for football clubs
Authors: Nicos L. Kartakoullis; Demetris Vrontis; Alkis Thrassou; Thanos Kriemadis
Addresses: Department of Sports Management, School of Business, University of Nicosia, 46 Makedonitissas Ave., P.O. Box 24005, 1700 Nicosia, Cyprus ' School of Business, University of Nicosia, 46 Makedonitissas Ave., P.O. Box 24005, 1700 Nicosia, Cyprus ' School of Business, University of Nicosia, 46 Makedonitissas Ave., P.O. Box 24005, 1700 Nicosia, Cyprus ' Department of Sports Management, University of Peloponnese, Xenofontos 33, Glyfada, TK 16675, Athens, Greece
Abstract: The paper provides a multi-perspective analysis on strategic resource planning for football clubs. Towards this aim, financial planning, fundraising and sponsorship are examined, and their strategic marketing aspects are presented and interrelated. The paper rests soundly on scientific theoretical and secondary data research, and incorporates literature on football, sports and generic strategic marketing and finance subjects. The findings underline the need for strategic resource management that is methodically planned, implemented and evaluated. Furthermore, individual components should not be viewed in isolation, but comprehensively and in conjunction with each other. Merging of resources into a unified and value-based system is proposed, in which resources are not measured in terms of pure financial terms, but holistically evaluated in terms of the value they offer in a multi-dimensional and a multi-directional way. Finally, strategic resource planning must be integrated with strategic marketing planning to ensure alignment and commonality of both means and ends.
Keywords: strategic planning; resource planning; football clubs; soccer clubs; financial planning; strategic marketing; fundraising; sponsorship; marketing; sport management; value; sports finance.
DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2013.052128
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 2013 Vol.7 No.1, pp.1 - 20
Published online: 19 Jul 2014 *
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