Title: Public choice theory as a tool for CMO wine reform analysis
Authors: Paola Corsinovi; Diego Begalli; Davide Gaeta
Addresses: Department of Business Economics, University of Verona, Via della Pieve 70, 37012, San Pietro in Cariano, Verona, Italy ' Department of Business Economics, University of Verona, Via della Pieve 70, 37012, San Pietro in Cariano, Verona, Italy ' Department of Business Economics, University of Verona, Via della Pieve 70, 37012, San Pietro in Cariano, Verona, Italy
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is a partial reconstruction of the role of agricultural lobbyist and national alliances, determining the effort of re-opening the Common Market Organisation (CMO) of wine Reg. 479/2008. The case considered is the liberalisation of replanting rights chosen as a tool of public choice (PC) analysis. The paper is divided into three parts. The first is a brief summary of PC literature and methodological applications. The second is a study of the structure, behaviour and the relationship of the main actors involved in the policy genesis of the CMO. Third analyses the effects that lobbyist actions have generated in the case of vineyard liberalisation. The methodological approach is the PC model derived from Pokrivcak et al. (2006). This is partially used in this discussion, to explain the general idea and concept of bargaining and trade-offs in wine policy by the major actors in a simplified scenario.
Keywords: CMO wine; Common Market Organisation; public choice theory; policy reform; agricultural lobbyists; wine reform; national alliances; vineyard liberalisation; replanting rights; wine policy.
DOI: 10.1504/WREMSD.2013.052360
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2013 Vol.9 No.2, pp.216 - 229
Published online: 30 Jan 2014 *
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