Title: Discovering novel carriers for oral insulin tablets: a pharmacoinformatics approach
Authors: R. Seenivasagam; K. Hemavathi; G. Sivakumar; Vidya Niranjan
Addresses: Department of Pharmacoinformatics, School of Chemical & Biotechnology, Sastra University, Tanjore 613 402, Tamil Nadu, India ' Department of Bioinformatics, School of Chemical & Biotechnology, Sastra University, Tanjore 613 402, Tamil Nadu, India ' Department of Pharmacoinformatics, School of Chemical & Biotechnology, Sastra University, Tanjore 613 402, Tamil Nadu, India ' Department of Bioinformatics, Sampark Tech Labs, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Abstract: Insulin is used medically to treat Type 1 diabetes mellitus most commonly injected subcutaneously for human beings. The realisation that insulin injections have become a part of life can be extremely harrowing for many diabetic patients. Using insulin therapeutically is not a new practice, but still delivery methods to make the process more bearable have not gained widespread prominence as of yet. Oral delivery of insulin in tablet form has always been a significant challenge for pharmaceutical researchers. This study is a prospect of oral insulin tablet through pharmacoinformatics approach.
Keywords: oral insulin; carrier discovery; drug delivery agents; type 1 diabetes mellitus; targeted drug delivery; exogenous insulin; insulin tablets; pharmacoinformatics; bioinformatics.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBRA.2013.052443
International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 2013 Vol.9 No.2, pp.184 - 206
Received: 13 Oct 2010
Accepted: 05 Nov 2010
Published online: 06 Sep 2014 *