Title: Istanbul World Water Forum's Ministerial Statement (2009): a positive shift of global water policy recommendations towards sustainability
Authors: Muhammad Mizanur Rahaman
Addresses: Water and Development Research Group, Aalto University, Espoo FIN-00076, Finland
Abstract: The scopes of the Fifth World Water Forum's Ministerial Statement (Istanbul, 2009) are being analysed in the context of globally accepted water management principles. Particular reflection is done to two previous declarations related on global water policy, i.e. Chapter 18 of the Agenda 21 (1992) and Fourth World Water Forum's Ministerial Declaration (Mexico, 2006). Nine water management principles were identified that were not addressed in the Mexico Ministerial Declaration (2006), but that were incorporated in Istanbul Ministerial Statement (2009) in line with Chapter 18 of the Agenda 21. Although, the Mexico Declaration recommended a dramatic structural shift in global water policy favouring non-holistic and fragmented approach of water management, the findings of this research clearly indicate that Istanbul Ministerial Statement undertook a positive reversal as it returns to promote holistic approach of water management, much in the spirit of the Rio's Agenda 21. This positive shift is welcomed so as to promote effective and sustainable management of world's water resources.
Keywords: global policies; water policies; Agenda 21; UN; United Nations; conferences; environment; UNCED; Rio de Janeiro; Brazil; water resources; water depletion; water pollution; water degradation; Chapter 18; World Water Forum; World Water Council; Istanbul; Turkey; ministerial statements; Mexico; ministerial declarations; water resources; water management; sustainability; non-holistic approaches; fragmented approaches; holistic approaches; effective management; sustainable management; sustainable society; sustainable development.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2013.052911
International Journal of Sustainable Society, 2013 Vol.5 No.2, pp.114 - 132
Published online: 22 Sep 2014 *
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