Title: Clustering of the cephalofacial measurements
Authors: Agron M. Rexhepi; Behlul Brestovci
Addresses: Sport Center for Increasing of Morpho-functional Abilities, Fitness and Nutrition 'Corpore Sano', Str. 'Sali Butka' Nr. 31/D, 10020 Prishtina, Kosovo; University College for Sport Education 'Universi', 10000 Prishtina, Kosovo; Institute of Sports Anthropology, Str. 'Sali Butka' Nr. 31/D, 10020 Prishtina, Kosovo ' Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Zagreb, Kušlanova 59a., 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to study the latent structure of the cephalofacial variables and to explain the clustering of these measurements. Eleven cephalofacial measurements were done on 561 male entities aged 18-35 years. The collected data are analysed through descriptive parameters, correlation analysis, and factorial analyses. Correlation analysis confirms three sets of variables that realise the higher correlations with each other. According to the principal component analysis of the factor analysis three latent factors have been extracted that explain 53.3% of the total variance: the neurocranial volume factor; the transversal factor of the face; and the longitudinal factor of the face. The reduction of multiple measured manifest variables in a small number of latent factors may facilitate the work of anthropologists in studying and explaining of the genetic basis of development of bones, cartilages and soft tissues of the head and their morphological construction.
Keywords: anthropometry; cephalofacial measurements; correlation analysis; factor analysis; neurocranium; clustering; principal component analysis; PCA; medical anthropology; cephalofacial variables; human face; human head; cephalometry; human skull; genetic development.
International Journal of Biometrics, 2013 Vol.5 No.2, pp.126 - 136
Received: 11 Feb 2012
Accepted: 26 Jul 2012
Published online: 28 Feb 2014 *