Title: The Cabral–Dahab Science Park Management Paradigm applied to the case of Kista, Sweden
Authors: Regis Cabral
Addresses: A&U2iN – Analysis och Utredningsupppdrag i Norr, Lycksele, Sweden
Abstract: The Cabral Dahab Science Park Management Paradigm has been validated in Europe, Americas, Arab Countries, Asia and Australia. The paper presents its history and evolution. It includes a discussion of the definition of innovation that has been, for over ten years, associated with the paradigm. The paradigm is proven once more applicable in the case of the Kista science park. Kista evolved from a cluster centred on Ericsson into the Kista Science City, important to the Stockholm and Swedish economy. It is emphasised that the Kista cluster did not need a university to start. Key institutional actors are taken into account but the paper gives weight to naming central persons: A. Lundkvist, A. Flodstrom, L. Abascal, C. Flemstrom, J. Kleist, C. Asplund, B. Nyberg, P. Holmstedt, P.A. Hedkvist, P. Hedberg, J. Nilsson and U. Brandels. Electrum, KIG, and the IT-University are highlighted as institutional innovations that added to the efforts of Ericsson, the city of Stockholm, the Kista District, and the Royal College of Technology to transform Kista Science City into a Science Park, according to the paradigm.
Keywords: science park management; cluster; innovation; incubator; Electrum; Abascal; Flodstrom; Ericsson; Stockholm; ICT; information technology; telecommunications; university; venture capital; science city.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2004 Vol.28 No.3/4/5/6, pp.419 - 443
Published online: 20 Sep 2004 *
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