Title: Knowledge transfer and industry innovation: the discovery of nanotechnology by South-West Sydney organisations
Authors: Cristina Martinez-Fernandez, Kim Leevers
Addresses: AEGIS – Australian Expert Group in Industry Studies, University of Western Sydney, PO Box Q1287, QVB Post Office, Sydney NSW 1230, Australia. ' AEGIS – Australian Expert Group in Industry Studies, University of Western Sydney, PO Box Q1287, QVB Post Office, Sydney NSW 1230, Australia
Abstract: This paper presents an innovative initiative of a regional university stimulating the development of a knowledge hub around nanotechnology applications to businesses. The paper argues that the regional industry structure and competitiveness can be influenced by this type of university-industry partnership that initiate, share, facilitate and transfer new technologies and practices. At the same time the paper indicates the social and ethical impact of introducing radical new technologies.
Keywords: industry innovation; industry competitiveness; regional competition; regional growth; knowledge hub; nanotechnology; ethics; university-industry partnership; new technologies.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2004 Vol.28 No.3/4/5/6, pp.560 - 581
Published online: 20 Sep 2004 *
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