Title: Losses modelling of the electromagnetic and IGBTs converters
Authors: Souhir Tounsi
Addresses: Université de Sfax, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax (ENIS), Laboratoire d'Electronique et des Technologies de l'Information (LETI), BP W 3038 Sfax, Tunisia
Abstract: In this paper we present a design strategy of a converter to electromagnetic switches, necessary to value the losses of this type of converter. The middle modelling of the losses for the two types of converters, with Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) and with electromagnetic switches, for two control laws, shows that the converter with IGBTs presents the fewer losses, but it is less reliable and more expensive.
Keywords: electric traction; electromagnetic converters; IGBT converters; insulated gate bipolar transistors; analytical modelling; losses; validation; simulation; converter design; electromagnetic switches.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEHV.2013.053468
International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 2013 Vol.5 No.1, pp.54 - 68
Received: 22 Feb 2013
Accepted: 23 Feb 2013
Published online: 13 Jun 2013 *