Title: Concurrent engineering in a pharmaceutical firm: a case study of Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd
Authors: G.V. Prasad, B. Madhusudan Rao
Addresses: Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd, 7-1-27/1, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, 500 016, India. ' Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd, 7-1-27/1, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, 500 016, India
Abstract: Dr Reddy|s Laboratories is a successful pharmaceutical firm in India. It has developed a number of new chemical entities and some of them are undergoing clinical trials. Dr Reddy|s also develops generics for export. Reducing the development cycle time has become one of the critical success factors in the pharmaceutical industry. This case study illustrates the demonstration of cycle time reduction through the use of overlapping phases of development, using a cohesive cross functional team effort, supported by a series of performance matrices.
Keywords: bulk actives; critical to process parameters; critical to quality parameters; cross functional team; cycle time reduction; drug master file; generic drug; intellectual property; polymorph; safety; health; environment; technology transfer; USFDA; validation; pharmaceutical industry; India; concurrent engineering; simultaneous engineering.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMTM.2004.005405
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2004 Vol.6 No.3/4, pp.280 - 290
Published online: 01 Oct 2004 *
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