Title: Concurrent engineering at Titan Industries Ltd: a case study from the watch industry
Authors: B.V. Nagaraj
Addresses: Titan Industries Ltd., Golden Enclave, Tower-A, Airport Road, Bangalore, 560017, India
Abstract: This is a case study on the application of concurrent engineering for reducing the product development time in a watch-making firm. By using a horizontal interaction process, overlapping phases of development, carrying frequent reviews and cross-functional teaming the company reduced the product development cycle time. Concurrent engineering helped Titan watches to develop watches in a shorter time and increase product variety through horizontal interactions. These require coordination and cohesive teamwork. The benefits have been substantial. Competition is inducing every firm to shorten product development time and work in an integrated manner.
Keywords: concurrent engineering; new product development; Tata Group; Titan Industries; watch industry; India; simultaneous engineering.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMTM.2004.005409
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2004 Vol.6 No.3/4, pp.345 - 360
Published online: 01 Oct 2004 *
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