Title: Problems and development issues of SMEs in Fiji
Authors: Ashna Prasad; Gurmeet Singh
Addresses: School of Management and Public Administration, The University of the South Pacific, Private Mail Bag, Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji ' School of Management and Public Administration, The University of the South Pacific, Private Mail Bag, Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji
Abstract: The small and medium enterprise (SME) sector in Fiji is still at a developing stage. This sector has the potential for growth through use of extensive marketing strategies. There are some success stories but in general this sector still faces some problems and challenges. SMEs in Fiji have been recognised as an essential tool in the development of a sustainable economy. Therefore, this research studies the factors affecting their development in Fiji. Performance of a small firm is influenced by many factors and one of them is its ability to respond to competition by way of adopting appropriate strategies to combat the threats. This research has found that pricing of goods, fixed cost related to businesses and competition from bigger businesses are three major challenges for SMEs in Fiji.
Keywords: SME challenges; SMEs; small and medium-sized enterprises; entrepreneurship; marketing; firm performance; Fiji; sustainable economy; small firms.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2013.054309
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2013 Vol.19 No.1, pp.21 - 34
Published online: 30 Sep 2013 *
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