Title: Computer-based analysis of the on- and off-road performance of floating bridge transport systems
Authors: M.D. Letherwood, R.A. Wehage
Addresses: Simulation, Test and Reliability, US Army Tank-Automotive Research and Development Engineering Center, Warren, Michigan 48397-5000, USA. ' Simulation, Test and Reliability, US Army Tank-Automotive Research and Development Engineering Center, Warren, Michigan 48397-5000, USA
Abstract: This report describes a computer-based modelling, simulation and graphical animation effort that addresses the dynamic performance, compatibility and comparison of two truck/trailer combinations being considered for use as floating bridge (FB) transport systems. The US Army Belvoir Research, Development and Engineering Center (BRDEC), Bridge Division, was tasked by the US Army Troop Support Command to acquire an FB capable of supporting payloads of up to 64 metric tons. To aid BRDEC in evaluating candidate truck/trailer systems, a series of stability, handling and inter-vehicle interference evaluations were conducted. This study investigated truck/trailer/payload compatibility, upper bounds of system performance under adverse operating conditions and various system configurations which were capable of effectively transporting the FB. The Dynamic Analysis and Design System methodology was used to predict vehicle and system performance. This report summarises the models, the simulations and design excursions, the graphical animation analysis and the comparisons that were made between two truck/trailer systems.
Keywords: computer analysis; floating bridge transport systems; military vehicles; off-road vehicles; vehicle performance; on-road vehicles; simulation; truck-trailer systems; vehicle analysis.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHVS.1994.054529
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 1994 Vol.1 No.4, pp.361 - 380
Published online: 18 Jun 2013 *
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