Title: Statistical norms for off-road wheeled vehicle parameters
Authors: Sayed M. Shaaban, Yahia H. Hosamel-Deen, Emad S. Anbar
Addresses: Specialist of Curricula, Ministry of Education, Bahrain. ' Head of Automotive Engineering Department, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt. ' Automotive Engineering Department, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: The technical evaluation and assessment of the different parameters of off-road wheeled vehicles, and other vehicles likewise, is a basic step prior to decision making in research, design, production, and operation. To evaluate these parameters, it is necessary to compare the considered specifications to some corresponding reference values of ||specific norm||. Accordingly, there is a need to establish a reliable database for such ||norms||. This work is intended to establish a data bank that includes reliable norms for as many selected vehicle parameters as possible. These parameters are those that mostly effect the mobility of off-road vehicles. For this purpose, the technical data of 155 off-road wheeled vehicles, produced and used all over the world, is considered. This data is grouped, analysed, and processed so as to obtain the required norms. Based on the available data of the vehicles considered, numerical analysis techniques are used to obtain an equation representing each parameter norm as a function of the vehicle payload. These norms may be considered to be reference values with which the corresponding parameters are to be compared in the technical evaluation process. This database and the equations established are arranged in such a way as to be easily used by a computer-aided system for technical evaluation for off-road vehicle mobility (Hosamel-Deen et al.). It is also useful in early stages of design as a guide for the choice of design values for new off-road vehicles.
Keywords: off-road vehicles; wheeled vehicles; vehicle mobility; statistical norms; reference values; vehicle parameters; vehicle design.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHVS.1995.054544
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 1995 Vol.2 No.2, pp.124 - 142
Published online: 18 Jun 2013 *
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