Title: The optimal performance index for an off-road vehicle with passive and active suspension systems
Authors: Nilson Barbieri
Addresses: Federal Center of Technological Education of Parana (CEFET/PR), Mechanical Engineering Department, 3165 Sete de Setembro, Av., CEP: 80230-901, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
Abstract: Stochastic optimal linear control theory is used to minimize the performance index whose constituent parts are: vehicle vertical acceleration (comfort), suspension working space (structural limitation), road holding (safety) and control forces (technical and cost limitation). The vehicle model adopted is an off-road and it is modelled as a seven degree-of-freedom system. The dynamical behaviour of the vehicle is analysed for two loading conditions, loaded and unloaded, and for two types of road, asphalt and pavement. The optimal performance index for passive, active with full state and limited output feedback systems is adjusted by choosing the optimal weighting constants.
Keywords: active suspension systems; linear control theory; off-road vehicles; optimal performance index; passive suspension systems.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHVS.1995.054610
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 1995 Vol.2 No.3/4, pp.225 - 237
Published online: 18 Jun 2013 *
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