Title: A study of the longitudinal slip and side slip of a wheeled tractor under variable vertical load
Authors: R.G. Russev, D.T. Nhu, T.I. Todorov, I.L. Petrov
Addresses: Technical University of Rousse, Automotive Engineering Department, 7017 Rousse, Bulgaria. ' Technical University of Rousse, Automotive Engineering Department, 7017 Rousse, Bulgaria. ' Technical University of Rousse, Automotive Engineering Department, 7017 Rousse, Bulgaria. ' Technical University of Rousse, Automotive Engineering Department, 7017 Rousse, Bulgaria
Abstract: This paper describes a theoretical and experimental study of an agricultural tractor subject to harmonic excitations, and the effects of such a road input on the tractive performance and the lateral stability of a tractor. The tractor is represented by a two-degree-of-freedom model for evaluation of the vertical displacement of the wheels. Two nonlinear models are used to describe the longitudinal wheelslip and side slip angles. A hydraulic driven exciter mounted on the rear part of the tractor is used to simulate the harmonic input. Under these conditions a tractor fitted with pneumatic tyres was tested and the vibrations of the wheel and wheelslip were measured. It is shown that the variable normal road reaction exerts a negative effect on the tractive performances of the tractor, and that this should be taken into account when predicting and analysing the dynamic characteristics of the tractors.
Keywords: agricultural tractors; handling; lateral stability; longitudinal slip; side slip angle; steerability; tractive performance; tyres; vibrations; heavy vehicles.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHVS.1995.054613
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 1995 Vol.2 No.3/4, pp.270 - 284
Published online: 18 Jun 2013 *
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