Title: Investigation of the dynamic performance of the M939 truck/M198 medium towed howitzer combination
Authors: David D. Gunter, Michael D. Letherwood
Addresses: US Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command, RD&E Center, MS#157, AMSTA-TR-VP, Bldg. 215. Warren, MI 48397-5000, USA. ' US Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command, RD&E Center, MS#157, AMSTA-TR-VP, Bldg. 215. Warren, MI 48397-5000, USA
Abstract: This paper describes an effort by the US Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command, Research, Development & Engineering Center (TACOM-TARDEC) to validate a dynamic model of an M923 cargo truck towing a howitzer, and subsequently, use that model to investigate the dynamic performance of the combination while conducting a full matrix of tests to evaluate its stability and handling during braking manoeuvres in response to varying loading and operational conditions. The Analytical Simulation Team (AMSTA-TR-VP) of the Virtual Prototyping Business Group was tasked by the Combat Support Office (TACOM-CSO) to develop and validate high-resolution, computer-based models of the M939 Series Truck (with 14 × R20 tyres) towing an M198, medium, 155 mm howitzer (with 11 × R20 tyres) for the purpose of investigating truck/howitzer dynamic stability while negotiating specially designed on-road braking manoeuvres over a range of vehicle speeds. The follow-on analysis is also intended to determine what influences the 7257+ kilogram (kg) howitzer has on the stability of the truck during braking manoeuvres when the truck is operating in an unloaded condition.
Keywords: dynamic modelling; simulation; validation; vehicle dynamics; vehicle instrumentation; cargo trucks; howitzer towing; heavy vehicles.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHVS.1998.054621
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 1998 Vol.5 No.3/4, pp.341 - 358
Published online: 18 Jun 2013 *
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