Title: Supporting strategic alliances the SMART way
Authors: Steffen Conn, Iain Bitran
Addresses: ISPIM The International Society for Professional Innovation Management, Vesterbrogade 149, 1620 Copenhagen V, Denmark. ' S3 International Ltd, PO Box 18, Worsley, Manchester M28 1XP, UK
Abstract: The Network Economy forces managers to engage competition through networks of alliances. Organisations must nurture skills that successful alliance development requires and attain a ||partnering mindset||. Studies indicate that alliance success remains an elusive aspiration for the majority of organisations, with up to 70% failing to meet their initial objectives. SMART addresses this issue by developing a systematic managerial method for strategic alliance formation and management. This provides the structure for a software-based decision support system that includes extensive learning and support material for manager and business consultant training.
Keywords: strategic alliances; decision support systems; partnerships; partner selection; SMART; DSS.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2004.005482
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2004 Vol.4 No.4, pp.383 - 392
Published online: 12 Oct 2004 *
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