Title: Ultraviolet MSM photodetector with fast response based on ZnO thin film
Authors: Ghania Harzallah; Mohamed Remram
Addresses: Lemeamed Laboratory, Department of Electronics, University of Mentouri Constantine, Route Ain El Bey 25000-Constantine, Algeria ' Lemeamed Laboratory, Department of Electronics, University of Mentouri Constantine, Route Ain El Bey 25000-Constantine, Algeria
Abstract: In this paper, we have used a two-dimensional theoretical model of an MSM photodetector based on ZnO with aluminium interdigitated metal contacts, to calculate several parameters determining the performance of the MSM especially the photodetector responsitivity. This model allows us to simulate the dark current and the photocurrent device with different dimensions of the geometry of the metal structure. Using the results we have it was found that the responsitivity depend on the thickness of the absorbing layer of ZnO. It was found that the best results' theoretical limit were a responsitivity of 400.8 A/W at a 3 V bias for a thickness of 0.25 µm of the absorbing layer of ZnO.
Keywords: ultraviolet photodetectors; ZnO thin films; zinc oxide; MSM photodetectors; metal-semiconductor-metal; responsitivity; nanoparticles; nanotechnology; optoelectronics; absorbing layer thickness.
International Journal of Nanoparticles, 2013 Vol.6 No.2/3, pp.153 - 160
Published online: 31 Mar 2014 *
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