Title: An RLL code design that maximises channel utilisation
Authors: Milan Simic
Addresses: School of Aerospace, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University, P.O Box 71, Bundoora East Campus, Cnr. Plenty Road, Mc Kimmies Road, Bundoora VIC 3083, Melbourne, Australia
Abstract: Comprehensive (d,k) sequences study is presented, complemented with the design of a new, efficient, Run-Length Limited (RLL) code. The new code belongs to group of constrained coding schemas with a coding rate of R = 2/5 and with the minimum run length between two successive transitions equal to 4. Presented RLL (4, ∞) code uses channel capacity highly efficiently, with 98.7% and consequently it achieves a high-density rate of DR = 2.0. It is implying that two bits can be recorded, or transmitted with one transition. Coding techniques based on the presented constraints and the selected coding rate have better efficiency than many other currently used codes for high density optical recording and transmission.
Keywords: run-length limited coding; RLL code design; digital communication; (d,k) sequences; magnetic recording; optical recording; near-field optical recording.
DOI: 10.1504/IJRIS.2013.055128
International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, 2013 Vol.5 No.1, pp.63 - 72
Published online: 17 Jul 2013 *
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