Title: QoS-based approach for context-aware service selection with fuzzy preferences handling
Authors: Mohcine Madkour; Driss ElGhanami; Abdelilah Maach
Addresses: Department of Computer Science, Mohamadia School of Engineers, Mohamed 5 Agdal University, BP: 765 Avenue Ibn Sina, Rabat, Morocco ' Department of Computer Science, Mohamadia School of Engineers, Mohamed 5 Agdal University, BP: 765 Avenue Ibn Sina, Rabat, Morocco ' Department of Computer Science, Mohamadia School of Engineers, Mohamed 5 Agdal University, BP: 765 Avenue Ibn Sina, Rabat, Morocco
Abstract: The expected expansion of the number of context-aware services makes service selection engines, which are able to automatically recommend the most relevant service to users, in high demand. Yet, current approach and practice on service selection remain inadequate to meet the requirement posed by the user-centric computing paradigm. In our approach we consider that functional aspects of a service are already met and we focus on non-functional and QoS-related aspects in service description, indeed, QoS-aware computing is expected to be a key enabler for customising the selection of fast-growing context-aware services. We propose in this paper a workflow-based algorithm allowing the inexact matching between context and services descriptions, the service description and request are compared using four similarities measures: syntactic, linguistic, structural and QoS semantic. In the last a discussion is opened about possible methods for service ranking, and a case study is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Keywords: context awareness; ontology matching; service selection; service discovery; workflow graphs; similarity measures; linguistic quantifiers; QoS specification; quality of service; fuzzy preferences; preference handling; fuzzy logic; service ranking; web services.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2013.055331
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2013 Vol.47 No.4, pp.379 - 391
Published online: 02 Dec 2013 *
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