Title: An improved unilateral acceleration FAST TCP fairness based on history flows information
Authors: Chen Xiaolong; Peng Zhiping
Addresses: School of Computer and Electronics Information, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, Mao Ming Guangdong, 525000 China ' School of Computer and Electronics Information, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, Mao Ming Guangdong, 525000 China
Abstract: It is open problem for the FAST TCP to estimate the true propagation delay. Aiming at the open problem, according to application characteristic of unilateral accelerated FAST TCP system, a novel two layers algorithm of the transport layer is proposed. In down layer, the history information of the active FAST TCP flows, such as the start-up time and the running time of FAST TCP flows, are gathered. When a new FAST TCP flow arrives, the upper layer algorithm can provide the current queue delay of the bottleneck link based on the earliest FAST TCP flow. For the first time in the calculation propagation delay, the down layer FAST TCP algorithm estimate the accurate propagation delay based on the current round trip delay minus the queuing delay provided by the upper algorithm. Finally, the NS-2 simulation results validate the effectiveness of this improved two layers algorithm.
Keywords: FAST TCP flows; propagation delay; fairness; history flow information; TCP congestion control; transmission control protocol; NS-2 simulation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2013.055771
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2013 Vol.6 No.3, pp.209 - 214
Received: 16 Nov 2012
Accepted: 21 Dec 2012
Published online: 11 Oct 2014 *