Title: A fuzzy Taguchi loss-based process capability index
Authors: Mohammad Abdolshah
Addresses: Engineering Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch, P.O. Box 35136-93688, Semnan, Iran
Abstract: Process capability indices are appropriate tools to measure the inherent capability of a process, but most of them do not take into account the losses of a process. By integrating the Taguchi loss function and a process capability index (Cpk), a new process capability index called fuzzy Taguchi loss-based process capability index (FTPCI) was developed. Due to the definitions of a capable process or value of standard loss, the fuzzy approach to the result of the index Cpk and Taguchi losses have been proposed. In order to construct this new fuzzy process capability index, Mamdani fuzzy system consisting of the Taguchi loss and the index Cpk was employed. Finally, an example on the usage of this process capability index illustrated the results.
Keywords: fuzzy PCI; Taguchi methods; process capability index; FTPCI; Taguchi loss function; process capability index; Mamdani fuzzy system; fuzzy logic.
DOI: 10.1504/IJQET.2013.055875
International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology, 2013 Vol.3 No.4, pp.303 - 318
Received: 13 Aug 2012
Accepted: 30 Dec 2012
Published online: 19 Jul 2014 *